The Treatment approach

The Treatment approach

We take many criteria as described in the Ayurvedic treatises into consideration, for the analysis of the diseased person before the treatment schedules are planned. They are

  • Prakriti – Basic constitution of the patient.
  • Vikriti – The history, causes, nature and stages of the disease.
  • Saara – The strength of the tissues of the body.
  • Samhanana – Composition of the basic elements and tissues of the body.
  • Pramana – Measures of the bodily and mental components.
  • Saatmya – Compatibility, with respect to diet and lifestyle habits of the patients.
  • Satva – Mental status and values and belief systems.
  • Ahara Shakti – Food intake & digestive capacity.
  • Vyayama Shakti – Capacity to perform physical activities.
  • Desa – The region the person belongs to.
  • Kala -The seasons and their effect on the state of health.
  • Vaya -Age.

These factors help in arriving at a holistic understanding of the physical and mental status of the person and also his state of health and disease. This detailed analysis helps in the proper design and planning of treatment. Physicians at Arogya incorporate these criteria while planning the treatment schedule.

Individualised approach

Realising that each individual is unique, the treatment program for each patient is individualised, based on his unique set of requirements. This is ascertained after a detailed consultation with the Senior Ayurvedic consultants. Please feel free to communicate your individual problems and elaborately describe your preferences.

Therapeutic intervention

Based on the diagnosis, a course of treatment is chalked out in consultation with the patient. The Intervention would comprise of one or more of the following.

  • Advice on Diet & Lifestyle modifications.
  • Counselling and stress management.
  • Prescription for Ayurvedic medicines / Supplements.
  • Prescription for Allopathic medicines where deemed necessary after consultation with Allopathic specialists.
  • Prescription for Yoga / Physiotherapy / Fitness sessions.
  • Occupational therapy / Speech therapy / intervention for learning disabilities.
  • Ayurvedic therapy sessions at day-care centre.

Dietery advice

Food is considered as an Upastambha in Ayurveda i.e. an important supporting pillar. Hence, Ayurvedic treatment is not complete unless complemented by proper advice related to diet. At Arogya, the do’s and don’t with respect to the diet are clearly explained to the patients.

Life Style Management

  • Today’s hectic and sedentary lifestyle has been cited as one of the major reasons for a number of diseases. Advice on lifestyle modifications forms an integral part of a holistic treatment approach.
  • The physicians at Arogya help the clients in planning their daily regime, adapting to various seasonal variations, by making small modifications in their daily activities.

Yoga & Naturopathy

Yoga is offered both as group sessions and as individualised sessions for patients

Counseling and stress management

Most of the physical complaints are born out of mental stress. It has been established that many diseases like Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hyperacidity, IBS, High Blood pressure, Reproductory problems, Skin diseases etc are directly related to the stress level. Hence stress management has an important role in treatment.
Stress management with the principles of Ayurveda viz,

  • Dhi (strengthening or fortifying the mental strength)
  • Dhairya (encouraging or counseling) and
  • Atmaadi Vignanam (implanting philosophical ideas) is incorporated at Arogya.

Ayurvedic medicines and supplements

Most persons are given prescriptions for consumption of ayurvedic medicines or dietary supplements as part of the intervention. They may also be prescribed oils for application on the body, head or other affected parts.

Allopathic medicines

An allopathic pharmacy that stocks commonly used Allopathic drugs is also present at AVN Arogya. These products are used for cases of emergency and for patients who are advised to continue to take some of the medications they have been taking.

Rehabilitation therapies

At AVN we offer the whole range of modern rehabilitation therapies.

Physiotherapy This is used predominantly in skeleton-muscular and neurological problems to enable specific rehabilitation.
Occupational therapy Specific interventions to enhance upper limb functions and to improve ability to perform activities of daily living form the major part of Occupational therapy. This is used for stroke patients and for children with developmental disorders.
Speech therapy This form of therapy is very useful for persons with difficulty in speaking due to various conditions.
Learning disability assessment and correction Learning disability assessment and correction : This is a specific form of therapy aimed at improving the skills of children with dyslexias or learning disbilities.

Ayurvedic therapies (Panchakarmas and Upakarmas)

The whole range of Ayurvedic therapies are administered for different durations, with different medicines for different purposes. They are offered both on a day-care basis and for in-patients.

Call Us
+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia