Ayurvedic Day-Care Therapy Centre

We offer the whole range of Ayurvedic therapies on a Day-care therapy centre basis as well. Patients staying in Madurai or nearby places can come to the ayurvedic hospital at designated time to avail of the Ayurvedic Day-Care Therapies as per the Consulting Physician’s advice.

There are three catagories of therapy units

All therapy units offer the whole range of therapies but they have different levels of space, convenience and ambience and the cost of therapies are different when performed in each of them. The Therapy units at Aswini block have three therapy rooms and are just functional facilities and cost the lowest. They are located just behind the Out-Patient centre.

The Therapy units at Sushrooosha block, have six therapy rooms. Each therapy room has, in addition to the main therapy room with adjustable massage beds, for crrying out the massage based therapies, seperate rooms for enema and Nasyam with exclusive attached toilets in addition to the shower and dress change rooms. So when one patient undergoes therapy in the main therapy room , another patient could undergo the Vasthi, Vamanam or Nasyam treatment at the other subunit. These therapy rooms have option to play music while the therapy is in progress. The cost of the therapies in these units is higher than those in the Aswini block.

The Therapy units in the Swasthya Block are attached to the Villas and have all the above facilities and a shower panel in addition. A unit is dedicated to one patient only for the entire duration of the therapy. The charges for the therapies conducted in this block are higher than those in the Sushroosha block.

Facilities provided

All patients are provided disposable loin cloth for use during the therapy session.

Patients undergoing therapies in the Sushroosha and Swasthya block are provided with towels and bathing soap.

For patients coming for Vasthi, specific food is to be provided soon after the procedure and the same is provided to all patients as part of the therapy package itself.

Instructions to patients visiting for therapies

  • Please report at the front office, atleast twenty minutes prior to the designated time in order to complete other procedures before your therapy.
  • Since the therapies are scheduled back to back, the duration of your therapy may have to be cut short if you arrive late for your session.
  • In case you are not able to make it, please inform the recpetion about the same.
  • Please take instructions from your treating physician about the timing and type of food you need to take before and after the therapy and other precautions you have to follow and ensure that you follow the same.
  • On arrival, please inform the Nursing staff on duty and wait at the lobby. You will be taken to the Asst. Physician who will check you before you commence the therapy. Please inform him / her about any difficulty you experience. He / she may make some alterations to the therapy after checking with your treating Physician if the need arises. Please also meet them before you leave after the therapy and give your feedback about how you felt with the session. Please request your asst. physician for a description about the therapy you are about to undergo.
  • Persons accompanying you can wait at the lobby till you complete your sesssion.
  • If you need transport arrangements to come for the therapy or to get back please inform the OP reception and they will help you arrange for transport as per your requirements.

AVN Arogya Infrastructure

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+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia