Thrombotic Stroke – An Overview:

Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots (thrombus) in the blood vessels. They affect the circulatory system by preventing optimal blood flow to the parts beyond the blockage. Formation of clots is most likely due to fatty deposits (plaque) that tend to accumulate in the inner walls of the arteries.

They develop gradually over a period of many years. In persons with high blood pressure, the plaques tend to rupture and bleed leading to the formation of a clot which worsens the blockage. When these clots lodge in the blood vessels and block the flow of blood to the brain, Thrombotic Stroke occurs. The brain cells stops functioning in that area where adequate blood supply is not received causing brain damage. Thrombotic stroke can affect either small or large arteries in the brain and most often lead to disability.

Causes Of Thrombotic Stroke:

The main causes for Thrombotic Stroke include

  • Hypercoagulability or Thrombophilia – the tendency for the blood to clot easily, caused by genetic deficiencies and auto immune disorders.
  • Endothelial cell injury – causes of injury to blood vessel include smoking, trauma, surgery, infection and turbulent flow at bifurcations.
  • Disturbed blood flow – caused by atrial fibrillation, abnormal heart rhythm resulting in stagnation in the blood flow in the heart.

Signs And Symptoms Of Thrombotic Stroke:

The most common symptoms of thrombotic stroke include:

  • Trouble speaking and comprehending simple instructions
  • Paralysis or numbness on one side of the body
  • Vision trouble in either or both the eyes
  • Severe headaches
  • Trouble Walking

Identifying A Stroke:

The easiest way to IDENITIF Y if someone is suffering from STROKE is to look for the following. Remember this as “F.A.S.T”

  • F – Face – Ask the person to smile. Do you notice the face drooping to one side?
  • A – Arms – Ask the person to raise both arms – Is one hand drifting downward or does he/she have any difficulty lifting them?
  • S – Speech – Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase – Is his or her speed slurred or confused?
  • T – Time – If you notice any of the above symptoms, rush the person to the nearest hospital at the earliest.

Treatment Of Thrombotic Stroke:

Timely treatment ensures faster recovery as lack of blood supply even for a short period of time causes brain damage. If the supply is restored sooner, the chances of the person returning to normalcy are greater. However, if the supply of blood is cut off for a longer time-span, it might result in lasting damage.

Since blood clot happens to be the main cause for this kind of stroke, doctors prescribe Clot busting medications to dissolve the block (clot) and restore the blood flow into the brain. These clot busters are usually administered via an Intravenous line enabling the dissolution of the clot and removal of blockages at a faster pace. These however, have to administered within 3 hours of the first stroke symptom, to be effective.

A thorough clinical examination including a check on blood pressure levels, diabetes levels and neurological assessment will also be done. If needed, Doctors may proceed for an endovascular procedure to remove the clot or thrombus through a surgical procedure.

Rehabilitation Of Thrombotic Stroke Patients:

If the clot could be completely dissolved within the short span of time the patient recovers completely. However if it gets delayed, there is extensive damage to the brain tissues leading to several types of disabilities. Depending on the location and extent of damage and the resultant disabilities, rehabilitation is required. Rehabilitation typically includes, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and counseling.

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Thrombotic Stroke:

Ayurveda is found to be extremely effective in the rehabilitation process of Thrombotic stroke patients. Ayurveda has various internal medicines that help restore nervous system function. A wide range of therapies are also available that greatly aid the recovery process. One such very effective therapy is Nasyam. Here, medicated oils are instilled into the nostrils thereby helping the repair of the nervous system in addition to strengthening the nerves. Therapeutic procedures called Pichu, Sirodhara and Sirovasthi are also very effective in the treatment of stroke and other neurological diseases. Vasthi, is another very important procedure (administrating medicated enemas’ through the rectum) that helps in improving the recovery. It helps by improving the neuro transmitter levels in the body and thereby helps improve the neurological function. Ayurvedic treatment also includes a wide range of oil massages which help improve the micro vascular circulation to the muscles thereby helping in strengthening them and making them less spastic (rigid).

Ayurveda when used in combination with the conventional rehabilitation therapies can help a person regain his strength and return to near normalcy much better than, if only rehabilitation is used.


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